March 2019

Another win for We are Family!

Very proud to get this email: “Dear Jannike, we’ve got some good news for you: Congratulations on winning an Honorable Mention: Dark Comedy. Our jury loved your work on We Are Family- and we hope you take pride in it.”

Thank you Sofia Hallgren for a great collaboration on the composition of the music score to the film, that hightened also the composition of the film it self.

Thank you again all wonderful people in the crew: Malin NicanderBibi Bibi BibiNicolas LiebingSimon Chandie Danielsson Daniel Scheja and the actors Jannike Grut Alexandra Alegren Casper Andreas Henrik Norman Per Löfberg Thank you Family!

LIKE our Facebook page fro the film We are Family http://We are Family – 2019 to get updates for showings!

Next showing in Sweden is APRIL 24 at the movie theatre ZITA in Stockholm


Jannike Grut is currently filming a German thriller, one of the biggest tv-shows in Germany with around 7 million viewers per film. She plays one of the sisters in the family this Agata Christie-inspired murder story is about.

Later in March she is filming in a new big Swedish tv-show Ture Sventon.

Producing and writing

The work on the tv-series Finding your way | Hitta hem home continues together with director Richard Jarnhed.

Sending the film We Are Family to other festivals around the world for the next coming months…

And not the least, starting the work on getting co-producers in on developing and producing THE FEATURE We Are Family, with the support of screenwriter Alvaro Rodriguez.