Jannike was filming in Vilnius the other week for the new big series, “Evil” (after the book by Jan Guillou) coming up in 2023. With, among other great actors, Gustav Skarsgård.
Not allowed to show anything from set. So here some photos like headshots and full body AND 2 pictures of Gruts curly hair besides the camera on set. There you go. While making a film is more like don’t tell, show, this part of the life as an actor is more like “tell don’t show”.
CD pictures and pictures from EVIL the TV series version of the Oscar-nominated film

ACTING Jannike is also on call back for a Swedish TV series, and are regularly filming industry films, ads, making voice overs.
COMEDY and SPOKEN WORD Jannike have also been in Denmark in June, doing her wonderful alter-ego Babe Janice Livepoet, who says “I do not know if am a poet or a rockstar” But she performes political, feministic and vegetarian poetry. Always a big success! Babe Janice comes in Swedish, Danish or English. This time in Danish.
BABE JANICE – livepoetry de luxe!

MUSIC THEATRE In August Jannike Grut is back again on stage for som extra performances as the funny and popular character Mama Moo, in the music theatre with the same name: “Mamma Moo and the Crow”!

PRODUCING AND DIRECTING Jannike Grut directed the film “Do we dare” written by Birgitta Liljedahl and is now edited by Ove Valeskog and Jannike Grut. Premieres 2022.
Co-Producing the film “Do we Dare” by Birgitta Liljedahl, to be finalized during the autumn of 2022.
WRITING In May and August Jannike Grut is writing on the book for actors she started writing during Corona, : How to get around the business, and get a long acting career!
The book is based on Jannikes own experiences as a creative business-owner for more than 20 years, and also her coaching and workshops for other creative freelancers in goalsettning, longterm careerplanning and high performance mindset training.